Refinery Salon

Refinery Salon

Refinery Salon

Greetings to all of our Wonderful Clients and Friends!

First of all we just wanted to take a moment to express how much we appreciate all of the support we have been given. Our community has kept us inspired, and given us so much to be grateful for.

Our Staff at Refinery Salon also support any client who is not yet ready or comfortable entering indoors without a face covering.

Amber and Samantha, are no longer available for the online booking option. To schedule your appointment with them please call the salon directly 530-378-3133.

Before arriving to your next appointment please fully read our new cancellation and No show policy. They are also located on our website at

Please be mindful, your stylist time is very valuable. During Holiday Seasons No show appointments and late cancellations will be charged the full price of your appointment to rebook. It is vital to cancel BEFORE 24 hours of your scheduled appointment time . There is a critical loss of income to our stylists if we do not enforce this policy. After Holidays If appointments are canceled within the 24 hours you will be charged the base price of your service cancelling late or not showing.

To All new clients scheduling a color service Please schedule a Free 15 min consultation with your stylist before scheduling your appointment. This helps us to ensure that each of us have the proper amount of time and appointments are not rushed. Each color service can be greatly different depending on each clients needs.

We appreciate your understanding and your patience. We will do all we can to ensure your visit will be comfortable and safe.
We hope that everyone is staying healthy.

Thank you from all of us at Refinery Salon

Refinery Salon

Sonny Contreras

Amber Lehman


Natasha Terebkov



Refinery Salon


Refinery Salon

Refinery Salon

421 2nd street, Davis


10:00am - 7:00pm
10:00am - 7:00pm
10:00am - 7:00pm
10:00am - 7:00pm
10:00am - 5:00pm
10:00am - 5:00pm

Refinery Salon

Refinery Salon

421 2nd street, Davis


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